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万方数据 万方数据 废盐酸浸出酸溶性钛渣制备钛白粉工艺研究 摘要 钛白粉是当今世界发展最快的无机化工产品之一,在最重要的无机化合物 中排第三位,位于氨和磷酸之后,广泛用于涂料、塑料、橡胶、油墨、纸张、化 纤、陶瓷、日化、医药、食品等行业,是应用非常广泛的基础精细化工原料。 目前,全世界钛白生产方法主要有两大类:硫酸法和氯化法,此外还有盐酸 法、混合法以及硝酸法等,由于钛的回收率低、设备腐蚀严重以及对原料的要求 高等原因,使得仅有硫酸法和氯化法应用于工业生产。 本课题针对贵州省遵义钛业股份有限公司提供的低品位高钛渣的物化特性, 以盐酸法为基础提出了一种新的制备钛白粉的方法,通过添加改性剂提高高钛渣 的酸溶性能,并采用废酸代替浓盐酸进行浸出,之后再经过水解和煅烧工艺制取 钛白粉。并得到如下结论: (1)通过对高钛渣改性焙烧过程的分析表明, 高钛渣中的复杂固溶体与 Na2CO3 发生反应生成钛酸钠和铁酸钠,改善了高钛渣的酸溶性。改性焙烧的最 佳条件为焙烧时间 2h,焙烧温度 850℃,改性剂配比为 0.7:1,此时 Ti 浸出率为 95.48%。 (2)通过对改性焙烧过程的动力学分析,得出 Na2CO3 与高钛渣的反应限 制环节为 Na2CO3 在固体产物层间的扩散。动力学模型可用 GB 模型来描述。动 力学方程式为,活化能为 93.532KJ/mol。 (3)最佳浸出条件为粒度 200 目以下,液固比 5:1、废酸浓度 30%、反应时 间 1.5h、浸出温度 70℃。此条件下 Ti 浸出率为 95.60%。最佳水解条件为水解温 度 100℃,水解时间 70min,稀释比为 1.此时水解率为 94.02% (4)水解产物在煅烧温度为 1200℃,煅烧时间为 2h 的煅烧条件下,可得到 品位为 99.41%钛白粉;通过 XRD 分析,可确定在该条件下,最终产品基本转为 金红石型二氧化钛。 关键词:钛白粉,新工艺,改性焙烧,废盐酸 1 Study of the preparation technology of titanium dioxide by leaching acid-soluble titanium slagwith waste hydrochloric acid ABSTRCT Titanium dioxide, the third ranking in inorganic compounds,was one of the worlds fastest developing inorganic chemical products and was the basis of fine chemical raw material widely used in paints, plastics, paper, chemical fiber and cosmetics At present, there were two main methods of titanium dioxide production—sulphuric acid and chlorination process,which were applied to industrial production. The other methods such as Hydrochloric acid, phosphate and nitrate acid process were not applied to industrial production in the reason of low recovery rate of titanium, serious corrosion of equipment and high raw materials demand. According to the physicochemical properties of high titanium slag from Zunyi titanium industry co-LTD, a new method for preparing titanium dioxide, which added Na2CO3 and Waste hydrochloric acid instead of industry hydrochloric acid, was put forward in basis of Hydrochloric acid method. The conclusion were obtained as following: It was showed that iron sodium and titanium sodium could be produced and soli



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