
分级Ad hoc网络路由算法的分析-计算机软件与理论专业论文.docx

分级Ad hoc网络路由算法的分析-计算机软件与理论专业论文.docx

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分级Ad hoc网络路由算法的分析-计算机软件与理论专业论文

I I 摘 要 摘 要 移动 Ad Hoc 网络是由一组可移动终端组成,通过无线通信方式形成的—个多跳的 自组织网络系统。但由于网络具有无固定基础设施、采用分布式管理方式等特点,其网 络特性不同于固定有线网络和传统的无线网络,因此,传统网络的路由协议并不适用于 Ad Hoc 网络,需要研究适用于 Ad Hoc 网络的路由协议来满足网络需求。 目前,大规模的 Ad Hoc 网络技术已成为研究的热点,但随着网络规模的扩大,网 络拓扑结构变得错综复杂,路由跳数、可选路由数以及路由寻优的复杂度也会急剧增加, 并且引发链路不可靠的因素增多,链路中断概率增大,因此需要设计稳健性强的路由算 法来满足大规模 Ad Hoc 网络的传输特性。 本文在研究适用于大规模 Ad Hoc 网络的分级路由协议基础上,将蚁群算法引入路 由发现机制中,设计了以链路可靠性为优化目标的簇间路由算法。首先介绍了 Ad Hoc 网络及其路由协议,重点介绍适用于大规模网络的分级路由协议。其次,分析、量化出 影响簇间链路可靠性的多项因素,并定义相应的权值参数,以此作为寻路和评判路径优 劣的标准。再次,详细阐述了蚁群算法的原理及其流程,针对分级网络中路由算法的设 计要求给出了蚁群算法数学模型。最后,将定义的权值参数与蚁群算法的可变参数相映 射,进而利用蚁群算法的智能性和正反馈性,构造适用于分级结构 Ad Hoc 网络的簇间 路由算法,并利用 MATLAB 软件对算法进行仿真。仿真实验表明,算法有效地减少了 簇间路由的洪泛开销,增加了路径寻优概率,从而提高了簇间路由的稳定性。 关键词 Ad Hoc 网络 蚁群算法 分级网络 簇间路由 II II Abstract Abstract Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a multi-hop autonomous system composed by a group of mobile terminals with wireless transmitters. The traditional network routing algorithm cannot apply to Ad Hoc network, because Ad Hoc network is a non-central, autonomous system that is different from fixed cable network and traditional wireless network. The improved routing protocols should be researched in order to meet the requirements of mobile Ad Hoc network. The technology of Ad Hoc network based on large scale network became a hot research area. However, with the network scale enlarged, the structure of network became complex, the route hops, optional routing number and complexity of the routing optimization are all increased dramatically. Also, the probability of the link breaks is increased, because the factors that influence the reliability of inter-cluster routing grow in number. The performace of routing become poor. So it needs to design routing protocols with strong robustness to meet these characteristics. In this dissertation, based on the research of hierarchical routing protocols, an inter-cluster routing algorithm which takes the optimization of link reliability as goals is designed, by introducing ant colony algorithm into routing. Firstly, Ad Hoc network



peili2018 + 关注


