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生态学杂志 2000 ,19 (4) ∶6 - 11
Chinese Journal of Ecology
杨小波 胡荣桂
(海南大学农学院 ,海口 570228)
The Floral Components and Soil Properties of Forest on the Tropical Sandy Beach. Yang Xiaobo ,
( )
Hu Ronggui Hainan university Haikou city Hainan Islan d in China 570228 . Chinese J ou rnal of
Ecology ,2000 ,19 (4) :6 - 11.
This p ap er deals wit h t he floral component s and soil nutrient dynamics and t heir relationship in V at
ica m ang achap oi forest on t he tropical sandy beach . The result s are : 1 The floral component s of
V atica m ang achap oi forest are different from t hat of ot her forest at t he same climatic regions. 2
The plant sp ecies increase from 6 of which to 137 sp ecies , esp ecially 64 are tropical rain forest
sp ecies , alt hough t he Simp son and Shannon - weiner indexes (sp ecies diversity indexes) are 2 . 19 and
2 . 34 resp ectively . Though t he content s of t he element s such as nitrogen , potassium , p hosp horus
etc . are extremely low , t he content s of t he soil nutrient s increase appreciably along wit h t he pro
gressing of t he forest community succession .
Key words :correlation analysis , floral component , soil prop erties , tropical sea beach ,
Hainan Island .
1 前 言 2 研究地概况
在 1963 年张宏达提到分布在海南万 青梅林分布在海南省东南海岸 ,万宁
宁海 岸 沙滩 上 的青 梅 林 ( V at ica m an 市西南滨海沙滩上 ,长约 25km , 宽约 400
g achap oi forest ) 时 , 就认为该森林缺乏雨 ~500m , 总面积约 10667ha 。南临太平
林的结构[ 1 ] ,但仍把它归入平地及低山的 洋 ,北靠铜铁岭 。这里常年高温 ,无寒潮侵