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断 块 油 气 田 15 卷 2 期 FAULT-BLOCK OIL GAS FIELD 2008 年3 月 文章编号 1005-8907 渊2008 冤02-023-04 渤中凹陷古近系层序格架内的成岩作用 1 2 2 3 谢武仁 邓宏文 王洪亮 徐长贵 渊1.中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院 河北 廊坊 065007 曰2. 中国地质大学 北京 100083 曰3.中海油天津分公司 天津 300452 冤 摘 要 通过对该地区黏土矿物X 衍射尧岩心铸体的测试数据及电镜扫描微观图像分析袁在层序格架下对渤中地区 的成岩作用研究袁发现三级层序界面的识别标志和有机碳以及黏土矿物有着明显的指示关系遥 一般最大湖泛面附近尧基准 面上升半旋回上部及下降半旋回的下部有机碳含量较高曰随基准面的下降袁有机碳含量逐渐降低袁一般在层序界面附近达 到最低值曰高岭石在层序界面处的含量是最大的袁伊利石在湖泛面处是最大的遥 关键词 渤中凹陷 成岩作用 有机碳 黏土矿物 + 中图分类号 TE 12 1.3 4 文献标识码 A Diagenesis in sequence stratigraphic framework of Paleogene strata in Bozhong Depression Xie Wuren渊Langfang Branch of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development CNPC, Langfang 065007, China 冤. Deng Hongwen Wang Hongliang et al. Based on the X 蛳ray diffraction of clay minerals analysis of resin 蛳cast thin sections of cores and SEM observation of samples the diagenesis study on the sequence stratigraphic framework of the paleogene strata in Bozhong Depression shows that there are significantly relationships among the identification marks of three grade sequence interface and organic carbon and clay minerals. The organic carbon content is higher in nearby the maximum flooding surface the upper of rising half base蛳level cycle and the lower of dropping half base蛳level cycle. The organic carbon gradually decreases with the decreasing of base 蛳level and the minimum value is nearby sequence boundary. The maximum value of kaolinite is on sequence boundary and the maximum of illite is on the maximum flooding surface援 Key words 院Bozhong Depression diagenesis organic carbon cl


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