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2001 4 12 2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, A r. 2001, 12( 2)∃315~ 318 * 侯向阳 ( , 100081) , . , 1~ 2 , 1~ 2 . , . 1001- 9332(2001) 02- 0315- 04 Q149 A Landscape changes of ecotone of temperate and subtropical zone and its ecological importance. HOU Xiangyang ( B ur eau of Resear ch Management , Chinese A cademy of A g ricultural Sciences , Beij ing 100081) . Chin . J . Ap p l . Ecol . , 2001, 12(2) : 315~ 318. The change rocess of ecotone of tem erate and subtro ical zone and its effect on develo ment , transformation and ermeation of chinese agriculture and techniques were discussed in this a er from the view oint of landsca e ecology . In historical time, the boundary of the ecotone changed northward and southward as climate changed, which changed southw ard 1~ 2 latitude in cold eriod and northward 1~ 2 latitude in w arm eriod. T he ecotone had an obvious envi ronment diversity and strong sensibility , and layed im ortant role as a landsca e conduit and barrier in as ects of chi nese agricultural heterogeneous ermeation and heterogeneity creat ion of agricultural techniques and cultures. Key words Ecotone of tem erate and subtro ical zone, Landsca e change, Agricultural landsca e heterogeneity , Landsca e conduit. . , 1 , , 1~ 2 , 1~ 2 ( 1) [ 6, 17] . . , , ; [ 6] [ 1, 7, 8, 10, 11] , ( ) . , . ,


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