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2010 2 F ebru ary 20 10
36 2 Journal of Be ij ing U n iversity o f A eronautics and A stronautics V o l. 36 N o2
王林林 高 歌
( , 100 19 1)
碟形飞行器是一种新颖的, 采用翼身融合布局的飞行器. 为获得碟形飞行器
在低速条件 的总体特性, 对其进行了风洞测力和动导数测量试验, 结合稳定性分析和模型试
飞研究了其总体性能. 研究结果表明 碟形飞行器最大升阻比为 12. 2, 失速迎角 28, 全机纵向
模态稳定, 横航向滚转模态和荷兰滚模态稳定, 螺旋模态发散, 具有良好的飞行品质和综合性能.
空气动力学; 飞行力学; 稳定性; 碟形飞行器
V 211. 7
A ( 2010)
Low speed characteristics of the sauce rshaped a irc raft
W ang L in lin G ao G e
( N at ional K ey L aboratory on A eroEng ines, B eijing U nivers ity of A eronau tics and A stronau tics, Beijing 100 19 1, Ch ina)
A bstract The saucersh aped a ircraft is a novel aircra ft adopting b lendw ingbody conf iguration. The
w ind tunne l expermi ents, stab ility ana lysis and fly ing testsw ere condu cted to investigate the aerodynam ic ch ar
acterist ics and stab ility features of the sau cershap ed aircraft under low sp eed cond ition s. T he resu lts show th at
the highest lift to drag ratio is 12. 2, the sta ll ang le of attack is 28. M eanw hile saucersh aped a ircraft h as sta
ble long itud inal m ode, rollover m ode and Dutch roll m ode. T he sp ira l m ode is un stable. T he sau cersh ap ed
a ircraft exhibits sup erio r flight qua lities and excellent comprehen sive perform ances.
Key w ords: aerodynam ics; flight dynam ics; stability; sau cersh ap ed a ircraft
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. B lendW ingBody( ) .
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