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Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages 2014届毕业论文 浅论物流业的发展现状——以昆山为 例 学 院: 国际商学院 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 国贸1006班 学 号: 0515100608 学生姓名: 梁婷婷 指导教师: 赵秀芳 日 期: 2014年4月12日 浅论物流业的发展现状——以昆山为 例 随着全球经济一体化和信息技术的发展,区域间的经贸活动愈加频繁,企业 运输、配送、仓储、流动加工的范围更加广阔,简而言之就是物流业得到了很大 程度的发展与提高。在物流业发展提高的大潮流中我国物流业也有了较大进步, 但总体上说,我国物流业尚处于初步发展阶段,处于传统物流向现代物流的过渡 时期。本文以昆山市为例,分析我国物流业的发展现状,指出发展的不足之处及 改进对策,并通过对比提出我国物流业未来的发展战略,对促进我国物流业健康、 快速发展有重要意义。 关键词物流业;发展现状;对策;战略 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOGISTICS INDUSTRY-FOR EXPAMPLE IN KUNSHAN ABSTRACT With the development of global economic integration and information technology,more economic and trade activities are being taken regionally,broader range of corporate transportation,distribution,warehousing and flow processing is extended. In short,the logistics industry has been a great development and improvement, as well as China’s logistics industry, it has made a great progress. However,generally speaking, Chinas logistics industry is still developing. It is in the middle of transition between traditional logistics and modern logistics. In this paper, taking Kunshan city as an example,the present situation of logistics industry in China will be analyzed, it will state the deficiencies of development and countermeasures. Moreover,it will state strategies for the future of China’s logistics industry and the importance of promoting Chinas logistics industry in a healthy and rapid way by comparing these differences. KEY WORDS Logistics industry; development status; strategy; strategy 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘.? I ABSTRACT II 前 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 研宄的目标与意义 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 研究技术路线 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h 研究方法 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark15 \o Current Document \h 1世界物流业基本概况 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark16 \o Current Document \h 1.1世界物流业的发展历程及现状 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark17 \o Current Document \h 1.2世界物流业的发展特点 1 我国物流业基本现状 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h 2.1我国物流业的发展历程及现状 2 2.2我


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