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浅谈IT项目风险管理 】半个世纪以来,信息技术的应用以惊人的数度发展,创造了一个新世界。rr现在不 再简单的广泛应用,而是无处不在的渗透,将企业内外错综复杂的连接起来。企业的核心流 程、核心竞争力、与客户和供应商的联系越以来it,企业经营就越以来rr系统的平稳运作, 而且企业抵御威胁的脆弱程度也取决于it系统的功能。it项目风险是项目管理屮的一个重要 组成部分,S前许多企业仍然把rr风险当做技术问题来处理,it风险的管理水平赶不上ti 风险状况的要求。网络在日常生活中普及化,企业管理信息化,信息技术与信息系统对企业 组织形态、治理结构、管理体制、运作流程和商业模式的影响円益深化,原有的治理控制机 制已经不适应,公司治理而临挑战。正确的认识并应用it风险管理对企业经营有着决定性的 影响。 关键字】信息 IT风险管理 企业 Talk about IT project risk management [Abstract] For half a century, the application of information technology to a number ofamazing development,create a new world. IT is now widely used instead of simple, permeability but everywhere inside and outside the enterprise, the perplexing connected.The core business processes, core competitiveness, and customer and vendor contact more since IT, the business is stable operation of the IT system more since, and enterprises to resist the fragile degree of threat also depends on the function of IT system.IT project risk is an important part of project management,many enterprises still have to deal with IT risk as a technical problem,status management cannot keep up with the TI risk IT risk requirements.The popularization of the network in everyday life, enterprise information management,information technology and information system of the enterprise organization, governance structure, management system,operation process and business model increasingly deepening,the original control mechanism has not adapted to face challenges, corporate governance.Correct understanding and application of IT risk management has a decisive impact on business. keyword】 information IT risk management enterprise TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark0 \o Current Document \h 1、 IT风险管理概述 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark1 \o Current Document \h 2、 IT风险管理现状 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h 缺乏项0管理意识 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 没有精确的项目成木控制 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 项目进度计划差 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 2.4项目风险意识淡薄 6 HY


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