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题目:浅谈桥头跳车的防治及处置方法 浅谈桥头跳车的防治与处置方法 [ ]口前,我国高等级公路建设正处在“质”与“量”并重的重要发展阶段,桥头跳 车以及高填方段、填挖结合部等位置因地基差异沉降对路面结构造成的不良影响已引起公路 建设、设计、监理、施工等部门的日益重视。汽车在桥头的行车机理很复杂,不同搭板K度、 不同沉降值及不同车型车速的影响程度各异。车辆通过桥头时腾空产生的跳动和冲击,又造 成对桥梁和道路的附加荷载,加速了桥尖搭板、支座及伸缩缝的损坏,同时也加剧了车辆机 件的磨损,降低其使用寿命。另外,跳车吋车辆颠簸,引起驾驶员和乘客身体和心理不适, 严重吋会影响驾驶员的正常操作,造成行车事故。可见桥头跳车之危害,须严加治理。冈此 如何解决高等级公路桥头跳车问题己成为刻不容缓的大事,本文对儿种有代表性的处治方法 进行了探讨。 [关键字]桥梁 桥头跳车 原因 防治 The bump prevention and disposal methods [Abstract] at present, the highway construction of our country is in an important stage of development and quality” and quantity bump and high fill section, cut-to-fill sections location because the foundation differential settlement adverse effects on the pavement structure has attracted increasing attention of highway construction, design, supervision, construction etc. department. The car in the driving mechanism of the bridge is very complex, different slab length, different subsidence of different influence degree values and different vehicle speed. The vehicle through the bridge vacated produce beat and impact, and cause additional load on bridge and road damage, accelerated the slab, bearings and expansion joints, but also aggravate the wear of vehicle parts, reduce its service life. In addition, bumpy car jumped out of the car, the driver and passengers caused by physical and psychological discomfort, will affect the normal operation of the driver’s serious, cause traffic accidents. The harm of visible bump, subject to strict management. Therefore, how to solve the problem of bumping at bridge-head in high-grade highway has become the big crunch time, this paper is representative of several treatment methods are discussed, [keyword] bridge bump prevention 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓 IW i HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 一、 桥头跳车原因分析 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h (一) 、十质不良引起的地基沉陷 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h (二) 、台后填料的压缩沉降 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h (三) 、施工措施不当 2 HYPERLI


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