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Blac kw ell Pub lishing, Ltd. Oxf ord, UK JTSB Jour nal f or the Theor y of Social Beha viour 0021–8308 © The Ex ecutiv e Management Committee/Blac kw ell Pub lishing Ltd. 2004 December 2004 34 4 Or iginal Ar ticle Cognitiv e Or igins of Bourdieu’ s Habitus Omar Lizardo J ournal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34:4 0021–8308 The Cognitive Origins of Bourdieu’s Habitus OMAR LIZARDO 1. INTRODUCTION While most English-speaking sociologists acknowledge that the legacy left behind by Pierre Bourdieu represents a towering accomplishment in contemporary social theory and research, the impact and dissemination of his writings in the Anglo- phone academy continues to be rather uneven and selective (Bourdieu and Wac- quant, 1997; Wacquant, 1993). It is fair to say that the now flourishing industry that has grown around Bourdieu’s work in English is the most successful appro- priation of “French Theory” by mainstream American and British social science (Swartz, 2003), and not simply the latest case of the “French flu” as Bourdieu feared (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1997). However, few have noticed how the way in which this incorporation has been carried out has been essentially molded to suit the theoretical and epistemological tastes of the Anglophone (and especially American) sociological establishment (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1997; Wacquant, 1993). In the case of the U.S., Bourdieu is seen primarily as a theorist of cultural and symbolic stratification, concerned for the most part with a contemporary revision of the Weberian concept of class as lifestyle subcult


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