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第 26 卷第 11期 V o.l 26 N o. 11 2009 年 11月 M ech an ical E lectrical Eng inee ring M agazine N ov. 2009 基于轮廓的血细胞图像拼接算法的设计与实现 王 晨 庞 全 ( 3 100 18) : 针对显微镜下血细胞切片图视野较小的问题 提出了 种基于轮廓的拼接算法首先通过改进 的迭代法分割出白细胞胞核; 采用边界跟踪法提取胞核轮廓后 计算各轮廓图像的不变矩 并构建不变 矩的欧式距离矩阵; 根据最近邻原则找出匹配轮廓 以匹配轮廓的重心为控制点计算仿射坐标变换系 数实验结果表明 该方法具有旋转平移缩放( RT S)不变性 且精度高 自动化程度好 : 图像拼接; 迭代阈值法; 轮廓; 不变矩; 最近邻原则 : TP391. 41 : A : 1001- 4 55 1( 2009) 11- 0044 - 05 Design and realization of blood cells image mosaic algorithm based on contour WANG Chen PANG Qu an ( Institute of B iom ed ical Eng ineering and Instrum en,t H angzhou D ianzi University, H angzhou 310018, Ch ina) Abstract: A mi ing at the prob lem o f sm all v isua l f ield o f b lood ce lls under m icroscope a new mo sa ic a lgor ithm b ased on contour w as proposed. F irst segm ent blood ce ll nu cleu s by mi proved iteration thresho ld segm en tation approach a fter contour ex traction w ith bounda ry tracking ca lculate inv ariant-m om ent o f every contour mi ag e and con stru ct inv ariant-m om ent eu clidean d istance m a- tr ix. A ccording to nearest neighbo r ru le f ind m a tched contours and then ca lculate aff ine tran sfo rm ation p aram eters w ith the ir co rresponding centers o f g rav ity. T he results of exp ermi ents show tha t the m e thod cou ld be inv ariant to trans lation rota tion and scaling( RTS) and h as high prec ision and autom ation. K ey words: mi age m osa ic; iteration thresho ld approach; contour; invariant-m om ent; nearest ne ighbor ru le 0 引 言


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