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【写作指导】 1. 新学期你加入了英语俱乐部。在这里,你的英语进步很快。 2. 英语俱乐部有很多活动:看英语电影、读英语书籍、练习口语等等。 3. 很喜欢英语俱乐部,希望在这里交更多的朋友。 参考词汇: 新学期:the new term * I joined the English club at the beginning of the new term. Thanks to the English club, my English improved a lot. There were lots of activities in the club, such as watching English films, reading English books and practicing spoken English. I like the English club very much and I hope that more and more students can join it. Also, I can make more friends. * 第三部分 非选择题 IV. 语法填空。 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词,将答案写在答题卡上。 Do you know any successful clubs? Do you want 61 (start) a club yourself and to make it successful? Follow these simple 62 (step), and you will make it! to start steps * Decide 63 kind of club it will be and think of a name for your club. The club should 64 (has) a topic. Decide where and when your club 65 (member) meet. How often do you meet, once a week or 66 (two) a month? It’s important 67 (work) out the problems. Make sure everyone can attend the meetings 68 (easy). what have members twice to work easily * Begin finding members 69 your club. Most members should be among your friends, but others should also be allowed to join, so your club will become 70 . (much) popular. for more * V. 写作。 假如,你校为了丰富同学们的校园生活,成立了各种学生社团。请根据下表所给提示,写一篇短文介绍两三个学生社团,并简要谈谈你对学生社团的看法。 社团名称 作用 篮球队 强身健体;学会合作 模型制作社 了解科学;提高兴趣 …… …… * 1. 词数:70词左右;开头已给出,不计入词数; 2. 参考词汇: 模型制作社 Model Making Club There are many different kinds of clubs in our school.________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * There are many different kinds of clubs in our school. And they are so popular. The Basketball Team is a good choice. Playing basketball can make you strong, and you can learn more about teamwork. There is a won


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