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签名:越 签名:越驴 6 日期:垄p.箩:≯ 关于论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解北京工业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保 留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分 内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。 签名:_阻导师签名: 日期:』昭!:£!乡 个应用架构自底向上划分为数据层、业务层和用户界面层,并分别在各个不同的 个应用架构自底向上划分为数据层、业务层和用户界面层,并分别在各个不同的 系统间对这三个层次进行整合。该集成方式不仅暴露了应用程序的业务逻辑,而 且由于业务逻辑的交叉,导致了各个集成系统之间的紧耦合性,降低了应用系统 的灵活性,增加了整个系统维护的难度。 本文在分析、研究国内外研究现状的基础上,结合SOA和Web Services 技术,以峰峰集团煤矿信息系统集成为背景,在分析和设计的基础上,实现了一 个基于SOA的煤矿信息集成系统。具体实现了集成系统服务器端和客户端的相 关服务。此外,本文对煤矿信息集成系统的安全问题也进行了较为深入的分析。 实现结果表明,本文所提出的基于SOA的集成方案,能够实现跨平台、跨系统、 跨语言的应用系统的集成,克服传统应用系统集成技术的不足。 关键词煤矿信息系统集成;SOA;WEB服务;SOAP;WSDL;UDDI 北京T业大学T程硕f:学位论文Abstract 北京T业大学T程硕f:学位论文 Abstract With the rapid development of technology and the increasing requirments of business,the coal mine information system are also constantly updated and increased. Because each system development’S age、tool used to develop the system、language and operation’S platform are different,those have created”information isolated island’’ problem.The traditional method is using a bottom—up structure divided into the data layer,business layer and user interface layer and integration these three layers among the various system levels.This integrated approach not only exposes the application’S business logic,but also lead to various tight coupling between the integrated system because of the the crossing of the business logic,and reduce the flexibility of the application system and increasing the difficulty of the system maintenance. Based on the analyzing and researching the current status of the research all OVer the world,combined with SOA and Web Services technology,the paper realize the Information Integration System of Coal Mine based on SOA,with the background of Information system integration of Jingzhong Energy Fengfeng Group coal mine.the Information Integration System of Coal Mine based on SOA realize the relevant services of integrated system server and client.In addition,the paper has analyzed the security issues of the Information Integration System of Coal Mine de



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