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山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 关键词:居住区,植物群落,生态特征,景观评价,济南市 Ⅱ 万方数据 山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 Ecological Characteristics and Landscape Aesthetics Evaluation of Residential District Plant Community --A Case Study of Jinan City Zhao Shengyu(1andscape Architecture) Directed by Bu Fengqin ABSTRACT The rapid development of today。S society,people’S residential environment requirements are also gradually increase,the rate of the previous green residential district can not meet modem people’S needs.Simple landscape design or eco—design has not reach people on the green residential area of environmental construction requirements,which need to design a direction towards eco-design and landscape design in the form of integrated development. Thus,in considering the impact of each factor assessment of plant communities living at the same time build a reasonable evaluation methodology,from a comprehensive perspective, summarized evaluation of residential areas effectively Plant Landscape visual presentation gives the United States or not,the residential area plants the ecological stability of the effective implementation of community-building is the main starting point of this paper By analyzing Jinan four typical residential area in the starting plant communities,ecological and visual aesthetic effect comprehensive evaluation of residential areas,pointing out species diversity of plant communities in Jinan City residential area,the diversity of life forms, species composition,landscape effect in plots presented some shortcomings and made some suggestions,hope that they Can provide a strong theoretical basis and reference for the future to create a residential building in Jinan City Plant Community Thesis on plant species living area,the application of the frequency and type of life do a statistical analysis of the structure,respectively,of the four residential areas of plant species diversity and stability of plant community for a more in-depth study.At the same time,based on the perspective of industry e



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