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English Logic + Practice;EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native;What do you do__ ??;Positive adverbs of frequency I usually eat a light breakfast I sometimes take a walk before class I often drink a coffee to help me wake up Most days I have lunch with my friends in the canteen - Time markers I get up at 6am I normally take a shower around 6.30am every morning At lunch time I enjoy eating off campus In the evenings, my friends and I like to gossip in our dorm. - Sequencing Before, then, next, after that, while ... Before going to bed I always brush my teeth …, “…then I read for a while. “…After that, I often feel tired, so I turn out the light.“ I usually drink hot milk for breakfast while reading a fashion magazine. “ Note: after “before” and “while” we usually put the verb in the –ing form. “…while reading …/…before eating…”;What do you like about ___?;- Like / enjoy / get a lot out of + ing I like walking in the park on Sundays ... I enjoy taking part in team sports ...” “I get a lot out of doing yoga and tai ji” Positive feeling adjectives ... because I find it refreshing and relaxing ... because I find it fun and exciting ... because I feel very comfortable doing yoga” Native speaker ways to say like“ or “enjoy” Im really into music, so I like seeing live music on the weekend Im a great fan of basketball, football and pretty much all team sports Im very keen on meeting new people and I adore romance, so student life is perfect for these things”.;What dont you like about ___?;Use more than just I dont like X because… Instead, use some native speaker phrases to express your dislikes I am not keen on parties because I dislike noise I am not a fan of eating in restaurants - the food is too oily I dont like having to work in an office all day - its not my thing - Express the degree of dislike like a native I dont really like sweet foods much I really dont like sweet foods at all I strongly dislike sweet foods I absolutely hate s


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