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Nothing on earth can be more valuable than our parents love. * 18年 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... * 18年 Discuss: Show your opinion about the following questions 1. Do you like money? 2. Why do you like money? 3. What do you do with the money you like? 4. Do you admire those who have a lot of money? Step 1 discussion * 18年 1. Read the text fast and match the topics with each paragraph. Step 2 * 18年 Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 the same problem in Italy B. analysis of the problem C. a letter from a father D. solution for the father and the son E. solution in my family * 18年 2. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1) Why did the son dislike his father and feel unhappy? 2) Why do young people like to wear famous brand shoes and clothes? 3) Can everybody in a country get rich at the same time? 4) Is it true that all foreigners are rich? 5) What do you think is most valuable for us? * 18年 Because his father didn’t earn much money and couldn’t afford famous brand clothes for him. They liked to show off and to become the focus of attention. In a country, not all the people can become rich at the same time. Canada is known as a rich and developed country. But it doesn’t mean that every family is wealthy. Love from our parents is most valuable for us. Nothing on earth can be more valuable than our parents’ love. * 18年 Step 3 New words and expressions: 1. remind…of 使(某人)想起 eg. 你使我想起了另一个女孩。 You remind me of another girl. 2. unless 是连接词,用来引导条件状语从句,其含义相当于if not。 eg. 你如果不努力,绝不会成功。 You will never succeed unless you work hard. 3. show off 卖弄,炫耀 eg. 他是一个爱炫耀的人。 He is a man who is always showing off. * 18年 4. not all 表示部分否定,意为“并非所有的……” eg. 并不是所有男孩都喜欢踢足球。 Not all boys like to play football. 注意:当not和all,every,both等词连用时,表示部分否定;如果要表示全部否定,则要用no,none,nobody, nothing,neither等具有否定含义的不定代词来表示。 eg.我们大家都不是完美无缺的。 None of us are perfect. 5. accept 作“认为某事属实,接受某事”解。 eg.我们不能接受你说的话。 We do


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