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* ... * ... * ... * ... * ... * ... 广州城建职业学院2010至2011学年第 二 学期 《实用英语》考试题型和出题范围 适用专业:全院10级所有非英语专业 考试时间:100 分钟 一、Matching the following English words with their Chinese equivalence. (每小题1分,共1。5分×10题 =15分) 选自必上的每单元课文后词组,如47页中的Phrases and Expressions. 二、Multiple Choices. (每小题1分,共1分×10题 =10分) 选自2010年12月,2010年6月,2009年12月,2009年6月等四份高等英语应用能力考试A级真题Part II 部分。 三、Reading (每小题2分,共2分×10题=20分) 部分选自2010年12月,2010年6月,2009年12月,2009年6月等四份高等英语应用能力考试A级真题中的阅读理解部分。 四、Practical Reading (每小题1分,共1分×10题=10分) 部分选自2010年12月,2010年6月,2009年12月,2009年6月等四份高等英语应用能力考试A级真题中的阅读理解Task3、task4、 task5部分。 五、选词填空Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from the box.(每小题 1 分,共1分×10题=10分) 选自必学课文后的Exercisers C 六、英汉互译题Translation(每小题 2 分,共2分×10题= 20 分) 选自必学课文后的Exercisers D 七、Practical Writing.(每小题 15 分,共15分×1题=15分) 选自本学期所要求的实用写作证明信P25-26;祝贺信P75、邀请信P53、投诉信与索赔信P126上的sample或Assignment部分。 * 18年 课后练习 PART C、D UNIT 2 * 18年 Mr Ricky visited us in ________ of his wife and children. It was __________ for our country to hold the 2008 Summer Olympic Game successfully. What the professor said ________ the audience greatly at the ceremony. A real man should behave bravely at a ______ moment. The captain suddenly __________ the match with unknown reasons. practice2-4 Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. remark company invest elect believe gratitude suspend endorse inspire critical company remarkable inspired critical suspended * 18年 practice2-5 We must have a _____ and goal in our life. Mr Hunter was _______ the chairman of the board last year. I cannot express my ________ for your generosity in words. The electronic toy market is worth ________ at present for it is very rewarding. I fully ________ what Mr Johnson has said about school management. belief elected gratitude investing endorse * 18年 practice2-6 Translate the following


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