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PAGE l l 摘要 本文首先简单回顾了理论界以及实业界对供应链柔性研究的成果,介绍了本课题的研究背景、目的和意义,为接下来的研究做好铺垫。接下来对供应链及其柔性进行了剖析。供应链柔性是供应链处理不确定性的能力,它具有空间拓展性、时效性和相关性,供应链柔性的能力从低到高可划分为缓冲能力、适应能力和创新能力。然后更进一步地探索供应链柔性的内部组成,将其划分为产品柔性、时间柔性、资源柔性和数量柔性四个维度。为了对供应链柔性有一个定量的认识,本文重点探讨了供应链柔性的度量方法。在供应链柔性系统集成模型的基础上构建了供应链柔性的评价指标体系,并将模糊数学理论和层次分析法应用于度量过程,提出了供应链柔性的模糊综合评价方法。 关键词:供应链 柔性度量 指标体系 模糊评价 Abstract In the introduction, there is a brief review of research results on the supply chain flexibility in the theoretical and business world. And it introduces the research background, purpose and significance of the subject. This part is used to serve the next study, Then it analyses the supply chain and its flexibility. Supply chain flexibility is the ability of the supply chain to deal with uncertainty. It is expandable in space, time dependent and elements interrelated. The capability of the supply chain flexibility could be classified into three types from low to high. They are buffer capacity, adaptability and innovation capability. Then it goes ahead to explore the internal components of the supply chain flexibility. It divides the supply chain flexibility into four dimensions. They are resources flexibility, number flexibility, time flexibility, In order to have a quantitative understanding of the supply chain flexibility, this thesis focuses on the measurement of the supply chain flexibility. It builds an evaluation index system for supply chain flexibility according to the integration model. Fuzzy mathematical theory and analytic hierarchy process are applied to the measurement process. It brings forward fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the supply chain flexibility measurement, and then cites examples to be demonstrated. Key words: supply chain, flexibility, measurement, indicator system, fuzzy evaluation 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc230834641 第一章 引言 PAGEREF _Toc230834641 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc230834642 1.1选题背景 PAGEREF _Toc230834642 \h - 1 -


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