
毕业论文 基于QFD的网络课程设计.docx

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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 15 201*届毕业生 毕业论文 题 目: 基于QFD的网络课程设计 院系名称: ****学院 专业班级: 学生姓名: **** 学 号: ***** 指导教师; ****** 教师职称: **** 摘要 随着网络科技的发展,网络课程越来越普及,大学生也越来越依赖来网络进行学习。但是开设网络课程的网站众多,而教学效果参差不齐,大多数网站都是跟风,哪些课程听的人多就开设哪些课程,开设之前并不进行调查,这样设计出来的课程并能满足学生的需求,教学效果并没有预想得好。 本文首先对学生需求,以及与各个需求相关的技术属性进行调查,将调查数据进行整理,得出各个技术属性与需求属性的相关性,然后根据相关性计算出各个技术属性的重要度,保证将有限的资金有重点的投入到不同的技术模块,进而达到降低运营成本的目的,同时也提高了学生在使用过程中的满意度。将QFD方法应用到网络课程的设计中,以学生的需求为出发点,将需求属性转换成技术属性,通过改进技术的方法提高学生的满意度,进而提高学生的学习效率,是目前网络课程设计理论中的一个空白,所以对此方法进行探究是很有意义的。 关键词:网络课程 QFD 学生需求 技术属性 相关性 Title The design of network curriculum based on QFD Abstract With the development of network technology, network curriculum is becoming more and more popular, students are also increasingly dependent on network learning. But the creation of the network course site is numerous, and teaching effect is uneven, most sites are to follow suit, which of course is to listen to the people more opened what courses, opened before did not investigate, designed by this course and can meet the needs of the students, the teaching effect is not expected well. Based on the needs of students, carries on the investigation and technical attributes associated with each demand, the survey data, the correlation between various attributes and demand attributes, then according to the correlation to calculate the various technical attribute importance, to ensure the limited funds will be focused to different module, thereby reducing operation the purpose of cost, but also improve the students in the process of using the satisfaction. Design of the QFD method is applied to the network curriculum, the students needs as the starting point, will demand attributes into technical attributes, improve students satisfaction through improved technology, to improve the students learning efficiency, it is a blank in the theory of network c


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