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课题:新人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period 1 (1a-1c) 设计人: 临西一中 刘君 Teaching aims: 1. Can use the words :up, get up, dress, get dressed, brush, tooth (pl. teeth) brush teeth, shower, take a shower, usually, forty. 2. Ask about and say times. —What time do you usually get up? —I usually get up at six thirty. 3. Improve students’ listening and speaking skills. 4. Improve students’ communication competence. Moral aims “Time is money and time is life.” Everyone should make full use of time. Teaching key points and difficulty: 1. Ask about and say times. 2. Talk about daily routines Teaching methods::创设情境法、自学指导法、讲解法、训练法 Learning aims:自主学习、合作交流、练习法 Teaching procedure: 教师活动 (问题展示) 学生活动 (先学) 教师活动 (后教) 设计意图 Step 1.Show the learning aims and learn the new words by themselves(展示课堂目标,自学词汇。) 1. Write the topic on the Bb. 2. Show the learning aims to the class.(1.板书课题。2.展示学习目标) 1.Learn the new words in groups 2. Help each other.(1.小组学习,拼读生词。2.小组成员间相互学习,兵教兵。) 1. Help them if it’s needed. 2. Take a test. (1.巡视并提供帮助.2. 检测) Learning by themselves can train their ability of independence and communication (1.激发学习英语的兴趣。2.培养学生主动学习及合作交流的能力) 2.Review and lead in.(复 习导入) T: Let’s review how to talk aboutabilities让我们复习怎样谈论能力) Some students act some actions 传other students guess what he or she can do.(一些学生表演一些动作,其他学生猜他或她会做什么。) Give proper evaluations about what the students do (给于适当的评价)。 3. Ask about the times. (询问时间) 1. Play two English songs about asking time and saying time and let students summarize how to ask and say time. (1.播放两首英语关于时间的歌曲,让学生总结怎样问和说出时间.) 1.Listen to the English songs and think about how to ask and say time. (听英语歌曲思考怎样问和说出时间) 2. Practice two ways of telling time. (练习两种告知时间的方式) Give some help when the students have any difficults. Let the students learn how to ask the time and answer it. 3.Work on 1a T: Please turn to page7and finish the task of 1a. Match the activities with the pictures. Check the answers. Let the students be familiar with the ph


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