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2016 年 1 月 食品研究与开发 第 37 卷第 2 期 Food Research And Development 检测分析 138 DOI :10.3969/j .issn.1005-6521.2016.02.034 苍梧六堡茶与其他茶叶中酚酸的对 比研究 陈磊 ,彭静静 ,滕建文 ,黄丽* (广西大学 轻工与食 品工程学院 ,广西 南宁 530004 ) 摘 要 : 选取苍梧盒装六堡茶、竹篓装六堡茶、云南普洱茶、桂平绿茶 ,以及福建乌龙茶作为研究对象,旨在探讨苍梧六 堡茶与其他茶叶中酚酸含量及种类的不同。通过分 离提取 ,结果说明了苍梧六堡茶的酚酸含量比云南普洱茶要 高,比桂 平绿茶和福建乌龙茶要低 。其 中苍梧盒装六堡茶、桂平绿茶和福建乌龙茶的 50 % 甲醇洗脱液 中酚酸纯度最高,分别为 34.1 %、60.0 %、66.3 % ;苍梧竹篓装六堡茶的 100 %甲醇洗脱液 中酚酸纯度最高,为 36.8 % ;云南普洱茶的 10 %甲醇洗脱 液 中酚酸纯度最高,为 17.8 %。最后用 HPLC 分析检测酚酸,结果表 明苍梧竹篓装六堡茶 中存在两种含量较 高的特征性 酚酸,而云南普洱茶 中也存在一种含量较 高的特征性酚酸。相对于桂平绿茶和福建乌龙茶 ,属于黑茶的苍梧六堡茶和云 南普洱茶 中酚酸含量较 少,但却存在一些含量较 多的特征性酚酸。 关键词 : 六堡茶 ;酚酸;分 离纯化 ;色谱分析 The Comparative Study of Phenolic Acids among Cangwu Liubao Tea and Other Teas CHEN Lei , PENG Jing-jing ,TENG Jian-wen , HUANG Li* (Light Industry and Food Engineering College , Guangxi University , Nanning 530004 , Guangxi , China ) Abstract : This research chose Cangwu boxed Liubao tea , Cangwu bamboo packed Liubao tea , Yunnan Puer , Guiping green tea and Fujian oolong tea as objects to study the differences of phenolic acids content and type among Cangwu Liubao tea and other teas. After extraction and purification , the optimal phenolic acids purity was turned to be as follows : the 50 % methanol elution of Cangwu boxed Liubao tea , Guiping green tea and Fujian oolong tea were all highest , and so were the 100 % elution of Cangwu bamboo packed Liubao tea and 10 % elution of Yunnan Puer. Their purity was 34.1 % , 60.0 % , 66.3 % , 36.8 % and 17.8 % respectively , which indicated the phenolic acids amount of Cangwu Liubao tea was more than Yunnan Puer but less than Guiping green tea and Fujian oolong tea. HPLC was lastly applied in the later analysis


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