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Outline Outline – Continued Outline – Continued Outline – Continued Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter you should be able to: Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter you should be able to: Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Just-In-Time, TPS, and Lean Operations Just-In-Time, TPS, and Lean Operations Eliminate Waste Ohno’s Seven Wastes Eliminate Waste The 5 Ss Sort/segregate – when in doubt, throw it out Simplify/straighten – methods analysis tools Shine/sweep – clean daily Standardize – remove variations from processes Sustain/self-discipline – review work and recognize progress The 5 Ss Sort/segregate – when in doubt, throw it out Simplify/straighten – methods analysis tools Shine/sweep – clean daily Standardize – remove variations from processes Sustain/self-discipline – review work and recognize progress Remove Variability Sources of Variability Sources of Variability Improve Throughput Improve Throughput Just-In-Time (JIT) Powerful strategy for improving operations Materials arrive where they are needed when they are needed Identifying problems and driving out waste reduces costs and variability and improves throughput Requires a meaningful buyer-supplier relationship JIT and Competitive Advantage JIT and Competitive Advantage JIT Partnerships JIT Partnerships Concerns of Suppliers JIT Layout Distance Reduction Increased Flexibility Impact on Employees Reduced Space and Inventory Inventory Reduce Variability Reduce Variability Reduce Lot Sizes Reduce Lot Sizes Lot Size Example Reduce Setup Costs Lower Setup Costs Reduce Setup Times JIT Scheduling JIT Scheduling Level Schedules Process frequent small batches rather than a few large batches Make and move small lots so the level schedule is economical “Jelly bean” scheduling Freezing the schedule closest to the due dates can improve performance Scheduling Small Lots Kanban Kanban Kanban More Kanban More Kanban More Kanban The Number of Kanban Cards or Containers Nu



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