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降低的趋势。结合五大连池火山群基质和水分等条件将丛藓科植物的生境分为7 降低的趋势。结合五大连池火山群基质和水分等条件将丛藓科植物的生境分为7 种生境,相对频度统计和物种多样性排序结果均表明:土生石缝生石生 树生火山渣生腐木生沼泽生。 本文主要是对五大连池丛藓科植物物种进行鉴定,对其形态特征进行描述 且配有彩色图片,给出了属、种检索表,为黑龙江五大连池丛藓科植物的物种 信息、区系组成及特点的研究奠定了基础,为中国丛藓科研究提供新资料。 关键词:丛藓科:五大连池火山;形态特征;地理分布 万方数据 STUDIES STUDIES ON TAXONOMY,FLORA AN’D GEOGRAPHY OF POTTIACEAE(MUSCI)IN WUDALIANCHI,CHINA ABSTRACT Pottiaceae is widely distributed all over the world and has tt;e largest number of genera in the Bryopsida,Musci,Acrocarpus,especially in the temperate and arid regions.So far,87 genera of the Pottiaceae have been known in the world;and 39 genera,1 79 species and varieties of Pottiaceae are in China.Systematic study of the Pottiaceae experienced a tortuous process,but at present many scholars accept the Zander classification system,This article according to the classification system。 Wudalianchi volcanoes are located in Heilon百iang Province,consisting of 1 4 volcanoes and five lakes.This has caused IO create a special ecological environment, and ideal destination for vegetation succession and species adaptation tO a harsh environment.Most species of Pottiaceae adapt to the dry environment,and occupies the dominant position.In the Wudalianchi Nature Reserve they belongs tO the dominant families,distribution accounted for a considerable advantage,also plays an 万方数据 important important role in the composition of bryophyte flora,Therefore it is great significance to study Pottiaceae in Wudalianchi. More than 3000 bryophytes specimens were collected from Wudalianchi volcanoes,its present in 1 5 genera and 3 1 species and varieties.Didmodon bartramii is discovered in China for the first time,4 genera and 20 species and varieties were new to Heilongj iang Province.The new records has shown the enriched diversity of Pottiaceae in Heilongjiang Province.The family is divided into six major plants geographical elements:North Temperate elements,East Asia elements,Cosmopolitan elements,Asian and North American elements,Pan tropical


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