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Yellow Tea 黄茶 The tea produced by letting damp tea leaves naturally turn yellow It has an original smell like that of black tea if the tea is cured with other herbs, but its taste is most similar to green and white teas. Benefits: It refreshes the mind. It helps clear away heat and toxic materials within the human body. Yellow Tea 黄茶 The best well-known: Junshan Yinzhen (君山银针) from Hunan Huoshan Huangya (癨山黄芽) from Mt. Huo, Anhui Meng Ding Huangya (蒙顶黄芽) from Mt. Meng, Sichuan Da Ye Qing (大叶青)from Guangdong Junshan Yinzhen 君山银针 Scented tea 花茶 The tea made by mixing and aromatizing tea leaves with scented flowers It is produced mainly in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces. Scented tea 花茶 The most well-known: jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 magnolia tea 玉兰花茶 lotus flower tea 荷花茶 chrysanthemum tea 菊花茶 rose tea 玫瑰花茶 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 the most popular among scented tea made from jasmine flowers. The most well-known jasmine flower tea is produced in Fujian Province. Compressed tea 压制茶 The tea which is compressed and hardened into a certain shape brick tea 砖茶: in the form of bricks Tuocha 沱茶: in the form of cakes and bowls good for transport and storage mainly supplied to the ethnic minorities living in the border areas of the country mainly produced in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces Compressed tea Brick tea: 砖茶 huazhuan 花砖茶 (flower brick) heizhuan 黑砖茶 (black brick) mizhuan 米砖茶 (rice brick) qingzhuan 青砖茶 (green brick) Tuocha 沱茶 Xiaguan tuocha 下关沱茶 Pu’er tuocha 普洱沱茶 Sichuan tuocha 四川沱茶 Huazhuan Heizhuan Qinghzhuan Mizhuan Tuocha Gongfu tea(功夫茶) The gongfu tea ceremony or kungfu tea ceremony , literally tea brewing with great skill, is a type of Chinese tea ceremony originally used to prepare Oolong tea, though today any loose leaf may be used Tea Ceremony Chinese Tea Ceremony Chinese tea art is not only the combination of tea and art, but also an art of life. Procedu


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