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第一部分 基础理论题   第1章 概论 1.What’s your comprehension of the concepts of GIS? 2.What are the difference and the relation between the basic function and the applied function of GIS? 3.With the development of the modern information technique, what kind of changes has brought to the survey ing and mapping technique and geographic analysis technique? 4.What are the difference and the relation between instrumental GIS and applied GIS? 5、试将GIS的输入设备按照不同的分类方法进行分类,并说明其特点。 6、现代空间定位技术有哪些主要方法?对GIS技术的发展产生什么影响? 7、网络技术的出现与发展对GIS技术产生哪些主要的变化 8、说明GIS在几个不同发展阶段的标志性技术是什么,它们的出现如何促进GIS的发展? ? 第2章 地理空间数学基础 1.What are the relations between the earth surface, the geoid, and the Earth spherop? 2.How many coordinate systems are there to describe the geographic spatial data? What are the relations between them? 3.What are the advantage and the disadvantage of describing a point on the ground by using geodetic coordinate and geocentric coordinate? 4.What are the main characteristics and the applicability of the UTM Projection and the Lambert Projection? 5. How to transform the elevation of the different datum? 6、高斯投影的变形特征是什么?为什么常常被用作大比例尺普通地图的地图投影? 7、在数字地图中,地图比例尺在含义与表现形式上有哪些变化? 8、除地形分幅外,谈谈还有何种地理空间框架?他们如何进行编码? 9、GPS数据如何与地图数字化数据进行集成? 10、选择投影需要考虑哪些因素?如果要制作1:10万的土地利用图,该选何种类型的地图投影? ? 第3章 空间数据模型 1.What are the main characters of the spatial objects? 2.What’s the meaning of spatial relationship? What’s the advantage of spatial relationship in describing the spatial objects? 3、?? 空间数据的概念模型有哪些组成部分?试分析他们之间的关系? 4、?? 试分析GIS的几种主要的数据模型各自的优缺点。 5、?? 空间数据类型有哪些?简述其特征。 ? 第4章 空间数据结构 1、Comparing raster data structure with vector data structure, what are their respective characters? 2.Do raster data and vector data structure have their interchange standard? Please explain your point of view. 3.Someone think of the vector data’s innate character is raster data. What’s your opinion of this sentence? 4、总结矢量数据和栅格数据在结构表达方面的特色。 5、简述栅格数据压缩编码的几种方式和各自优缺点。 6、简述矢量数据编码的几种方式和各自优缺点。 7、给出一张图,试写出图中的DIME数据文件和对其中多边形进行联接编辑的算法步骤,比较多边形联接编辑的异同。 ?


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