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PAGE Blackmail Arthur Hailey eq \o\ac(○,1) The chief house officer, Ogilvie, who had declared he would appear at the Croydons suite an hour after his cryptic telephone call actually took twice that time. As a result the nerves of both the Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed when the muted buzzer of the outer door eventually sounded. eq \o\ac(○,2) The Duchess went to the door herself. Earlier she had dispatched her maid on an invented errand and, cruelly, instructed the moon-faced male secretary – who was terrified of dogs – to exercise the Bedlington terriers. Her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that both might return at any moment. eq \o\ac(○,3) A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. When he had followed her to the living room, the Duchess looked pointedly at the half-burned cigar in the fat man’s mouth. “My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly put that out. eq \o\ac(○,4) The house detectives piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face. His gaze moved on to sweep the spacious, well-appointed room, encompassing the Duke who faced them uncertainly, his back to a window. eq \o\ac(○,5) Pretty neat set-up you folks got.” Taking his time, Ogilvie removed the offending cigar, knocked off the ash and flipped the butt toward an ornamental fireplace on his right. He missed, and the butt fell upon the carpet where he ignored it. eq \o\ac(○,6) The Duchesss lips tightened. She said sharply, imagine you did not come here to discuss décor . eq \o\ac(○,7) The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle . No, maam, cant say I did. I like nice things, though. He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice. Like that car of yours. The one you keep here in the hotel. Jaguar, aint it? eq \o\ac(○,8) Aah! It was not a spoken word, but an emission of breath from the Duke of Croydon. His wife shot him a swift, warning glance. eq \o\ac(○,9) In what conceivable way does our car concern you?” eq \o\ac(○,


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