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鞍山市服务业发展战略研究Anshan 鞍山市服务业发展战略研究 Anshan Service Industry Development St咫tegy Research Abstract Wltll tlle world’s real ecoIlomy down,old iIldustrial economic contribution ofⅡ1e old industrial production f址ling bach忸rd,a11d services aS less enviro姗ental pollution,creating jobs more quicl(1y create Value economy s铷s is inCre2Lsingly iInporrtant.Today one of Cllinats econoIIlic res咖cturing锄d development a top priorit)r issue is tlle seⅣice sector. Anshan is on,aRerⅡlree decades of refo肌锄d opeIling up me baptism aJtllou曲some aCllievements,but stiU t11ere are many deficiencies.EspeciaJly in AnshaIl industrial oVerc印aci饥sluggish i水lustrial deVelopInent ill the s觚s quo situation,how t0 promote tlle r印id deVelopment of service iIlduS仃y synchroIlized ecollomic growa:I,enl姗ce our natio蹦 inCome c11lcial p岬ose omer iIldus仃ies.Tllis is not oIlly a problem of Anshall,also me count巧’s old indus仃ial areaS need to f.aCe togetller. InⅡlis p印er,Ansha【Il services for tlle study’the锄alysis of 1iterature a11alysis a11d erⅣiromnental a11alysis,Ⅱle first service—related tlleories careml research龇ld aIIaLlysis; secorldly tlle couIl仃y,也e whole sta_tus of the deVelopment of service indust巧in LiaoIling ProVince、Ⅳere aIlalyzed;agaill AnshaIl intemal and extemal enV的nment service iIldus仃y 、Ⅳere analyzed using锄alysis of s扫engtlls砒ld weal【Ilesses of their own s缸.engtIls and we出lesses come Ansllall seⅣice mius仃y,and put forwa曲tlle dcVelopment s缸-ateg)r seⅣices Anshan,Anshl recoImnelld deVelopment priorities iIl t11ree areaS,one in lliglllightiIlg tlle deVelopment of produCtion serVice indus仃y;second is to仃ansf0肌and upgrade仃aditional life of seⅣice;third is to develop new seⅣices.Finally,work out s疵g岫rds the service sector deVelopment s蛔tegy,stI。en{;廿1e血g of saf.eguards mecha.nism constmction,recomInended c秭er collStru【ction,tlle expansion of ref6m锄d 0peIling up,s骶ngmen perso加el s叩port and 0ptimize the deVelopment env油mnent aSpects.AnshaIl anicle seeks coIlsistent诵tll reali饥but also for、7l,ard—lool(i



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