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As China’S economy continues to raise the level of social development,resources and environment deteriorating become a stumbling block to sustainable economic and social development.Beij ing as China’_political and cultural center,with increasing urbanization. rapid economic development and growing population,increasing demand for water in 20 1 4 promulgated the”city size criteria for the classification adjustment programs”divided Beij ing into megacities.Beijing urban development and water supply shortage,potentially serious conflicts between water pollution becomes increasingly obvious.Guanting Reservoir is one of the capital Beijing important source of water,its upstream watershed Huailai County,Hebei Province,is Beijing’s the”up wind’I I’upshtream··important ecological protected area,the ecological environment is deteriorated in the process of the rapid development of the local economy,influenced Guanting Reservoir to supplv
quantities and quality.of water.In order to protect the ecological environment and water
environment,Huailai County and Yanqing District at the expense of important opportunities for development paid a huge price,resulting in poverty and backwardness, coupled with fragile ecological environment itself,the area becomes sensitive areas of poverty and ecological environment is fragile interwoven.
To solve Huailai County and Yanqing district to protect the ecological environment for the loss of the right tO development at the expense of causing problems of poverty,so thaI the protector Can protect the ecological environment of the capital.the ecological environment and water sources and water resources tO maintain the enthusiasm of the
development of the local conditions regional economy,I believe that it should pay close attention to Coordinated Development of Beij ing,Tianjin and Hebei promoted to major national strategy for this opportunity to build a sound water ecological compensation
mechanism for coordinating capital
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