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# 214# 临床骨科杂志 Journal of Clinical Ortho aed ics 2005 Jun; 8 ( 3) # # 王 勇, 葛宝丰, 刘兴炎, 陈克明, 高 梅, 白孟海 : 22 , 3 3: , : ; , ; : R73811; R730126 : A : 1008- 0287( 2005) 03- 0214- 04 C lassification and characteristics of bon e ben ign fib rous h istocytom a WANG Yong, GE Bao- f eng, L IUX ing-yan, CHEN K e-m ing, GAO M ei, BA I M eng-hai ( Ortho aed ics Institute, Lanzhou GeneralH os ital of Lanzhou Command, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050, China) A bstrac t: Obj ec tive To investigate the characteristics of one en ign fi rous h istocytoma ( BFH), nonossifying f-i rom a ( NOF) and m etaphyseal fi rous defect(MFD). M ethod s Data of histology, mi aging, m an ifestation and io- logical activities from 22 cases were investigated com paratively. Resu lts The m icrovessel quantity, the invad ing range and the su tle change of relation etw een tum or focus and surround ing norm al tissuesw ere o viously d ifferent a- m ong three k inds of d iseases. Conc lu sion s The m ain as is for diagnosis of the three kinds of d iseases mi age and patholog ical param eters. The pathological o servation includes them icrovessel quantity, invading range and su tle re- lation changes ewt een tum or region and surround ing norm al tissues. The other clin ical param eters such as course, age and positionw ere uncertain ecause they often provide overlapped inform ation. K ey w ord s: one neoplasm s; h istocytoma, fi rous; mi munohistochem istry ( enign fi rous h istio- , cytoma, BFH )( non-ossifying fi ro-


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