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103年度英文科學科能力測驗試卷 ______年 ______班 學號__________ 姓名____________ 總 分 單選題(占72分) 一、詞彙(占15分) 說明:第1題至第15題,每題有4個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 ( ) 1. Lost and scared, the little dog _____ along the streets, looking for its master. (A) dismissed (B) glided (C) wandered (D) marched ( ) 2. On a sunny afternoon last month, we all took off our shoes and walked on the grass with _____ feet. (A) bare (B) raw (C) tough (D) slippery ( ) 3. It is both legally and _____ wrong to spread rumors about other people on the Internet. (A) morally (B) physically (C) literarily (D) commercially ( ) 4. These warm-up exercises are designed to help people _____ their muscles and prevent injuries. (A) produce (B) connect (C) broaden (D) loosen ( ) 5. Mei-ling has a very close relationship with her parents. She always _____ them before she makes important decisions. (A) impresses (B) advises (C) consults (D) motivates ( ) 6. The restaurant has a _____ charge of NT$250 per person. So the four of us need to pay at least NT$1,000 to eat there. (A) definite (B) minimum (C) flexible (D) numerous ( ) 7. At the Book Fair, exhibitors from 21 countries will _____ textbooks, novels, and comic books. (A) predict (B) require (C) display (D) target ( ) 8. Before John got on the stage to give the speech, he took a deep _____ to calm himself down. (A) order (B) rest (C) effort (D) breath ( ) 9. Most young people in Taiwan are not satisfied with a high school _____ and continue to pursue further education in college. (A) maturity (B) diploma (C) foundation (D) guarantee ( )10. Residents are told not to dump all household waste _____ into the trash can; reusable materials should first be sorted out and recycled. (A) shortly (B) straight (C) forward (D) namely ( )11. Kevin had been standing on a ladder trying to reach for a book on the t


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