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第38 卷 第4 期 噪 声 与 振 动 控 制 Vol 38 No.4 2018 年8 月 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL Aug. 2018 文章编号:1006-1355(2018)04-0203-05 转子不平衡量的HBGM 估计 赵宏武,陈洪武,蔡正祥 (上海海洋大学 工程学院,上海 201306 ) 摘 要:在工业领域,转子不平衡是旋转机械故障中的重要问题之一,不平衡量的识别更显得尤为重要。目前,识 别不平衡量的方法较多,但有些方法仍存在可改进之处。现提出一种基于HBGM 估计(GM-estimate with high breakdown point )的转子不平衡量识别方法,当振动数据中存在异常值时,该方法可通过计算稳健距离和临界值寻找振 动数据中的异常值并减小权重,利用中位数使此方法具有较高的崩坏点,保证了不平衡量估计的稳健性。通过转子实 验台进行实验,证明该方法可以得到转子不平衡量的最佳估计值并能识别转子振动数据中的异常值。 关键词:振动与波;转子;不平衡;HBGM 估计;稳健距离;崩坏点 中图分类号:O321 文献标志码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn. 1006-1355.2018.04.039 HBGM Estimation of Rotor Unbalance ZHAO Hongwu , CHEN Hongwu , CAI Zhengxiang ( College of Engineering, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China ) Abstract : In the industrial field, rotor unbalance is one of the important problems in rotating machinery, and the identification of unbalance is more important. At present, there are many methods to identify the unbalance, but some of them can be improved. In this paper, the GM-estimate with high breakdown point (HBGM) estimation method has been put forward for the identification of the rotor unbalance. The outliers in the vibration data can be found with this method through the computation of robust distance and the critical value and the weight reduction. The median can be utilized to this method so that it has higher breakdown point and the robustness of the unbalance estimation is ensured. The corresponding experiments are done on a rotor platform. It is shown that the optimal estimation value of the rotor unbalance can be obt


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