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教学单位 文学与新闻传播学院 学生学号 060124213 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目孝感孝文化城市品牌 策划与推广的策略 学生姓名邢海磊 专业名称广告学 指导老师汪又发 2010 年 5 月 9 日 1 孝感孝文化城市品牌策划与推广的策略 内容摘要:孝文化是中华名族道德的重要组成部分,是中华文化的精髓,在中国古代 历史时期的家庭、社会、政治生活中产生了重要的影响。新世纪,孝文化思想道德在解决家 庭、社会、甚至国家问题上同样具有强大的魅力和巨大的价值。孝感有着丰富的孝文化资源 和显著的孝文化研究成果,在当前中部崛起和武汉城市圈两型社会建设的战略背景下,城市 发展机遇千载难逢,为此,孝感提出打造中华孝文化名城的构想,努力擦亮孝文化这块城市 招牌,建设孝文化品牌城市。本文试图从营销策划和广告传播的角度来全面细致的分析构建 和推广孝感孝文化的城市品牌之路,通过对孝文化价值的深入考量,城市品牌的定位分析, 营销策略的宏观把握,策划推广措施的提议来为孝感孝文化城市品牌的构建与传播提供一点 点智力参照。 关键词:孝感;孝文化;城市品牌;品牌策划;品牌推广 the Brand Planning And Spreading Strategy of Xiaogan to Be A Filial Culture City Abstract : Family ties lay at the roots of Chinese morals and culture and has been exerting an important influence on family, society ,culture and ideology since ancient times. Currently the filial theory is often applied in order to solve not only family differences but also that of social and national importance. In Xiaogan many excellent examples pertaining to the filial theory in practice ,could be found. Making use of two methods of social construction namely: The social empowerment and the strategic development of Central China and the WuHan City Circle , unparalleled opportunity for development was created. Using the aforementioned guidelines ,XiaoGan City commenced to introduce the concept of filial traditions and learning in order to enhance the cultural and traditional attraction of the city by paying special attention to the filial aspects of Chinese culture. This idea has become central to the marketing and branding of Xiaoga


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