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古建筑消防安全对策研究 我国是一个历史悠久的国家,拥有人量的古建筑。然而我国的古建筑 绝大部分是木结构或砖木结构的四级耐火等级建筑,极易遭受火灾的危 害,古建筑一旦发生火灾,将会造成不可挽回损失。本文通过对古建筑消 防安全现状的实地调查,结合建国后近60年来的古建筑火灾案例,对我 国古建筑的特点,火灾危险性,消防安全形势,古建筑火灾原因以及火灾 的时间性、地域性规律进行分析和研究。针对我国的古建筑从消防硬件设 施建设和消防安全管理等方面提出切实可行的对策,最人限度的降低古建 筑的火灾风险性,减少火灾损失,从而达到保护古建筑的目的,对保护我 国古建筑和指导古建筑的消防安全工作具有十分重要的现实意义。 关键词古建筑;火灾危险性;消防安全对策 Research on ancient building fire safety countermeasures Abstract Our country is a long history of the country, have a large number of ancient buildings. However, the vast majority of Chinese ancient buildings is the wooden structure construction of four fire resistance rating, are extremely vulnerable to fire hazards, the old buildings in case of fire, will cause irreparable damage. This passage based on the status of fire safety in ancient buildings of the field survey, combined with nearly 60 years the ancient building fire case, the characteristics of ancient buildings, fire hazard, the fire safety situation of ancient buildings, the cause of the fire and the law of fire analysis and research, in the ancient building fire safety assessment in our country fire safety hardware facilities from fire and fire safety management to put forward practical solutions. To maximize the reduction of risk of fire and reduce fire losses, so as to achieve the purpose of the protection of ancient buildings. And the research has great practical significance to guide and protect ancient buildings. Keywords ancient building; fire hazard; fire safety countermeasures 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 I HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document Abs tract II 目 录 I I I HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document 1绪论 1 1」选题的背景 1 国内外研究动态 1 1.3古建筑消防安全对策研究的目的和意义 2 1.4 研究主要内容及方法 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document 2古建筑特点及火灾危险性分析 2 2」古建筑特点 2 以砖木为材 3 组合式结构 3 2.1.3耐火等级低 3 2.2古建筑的火灾危险性 3 火灾荷载大 3 2.2.2防火间距小 4 火源众多 4 易形成立体燃烧 4 火灾扑救困难 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document 3古建筑火灾规律统计及消防安全形势分析 5 3.1古建筑火灾规律统计 5 3.1.1建国后近60年我国古建筑火灾概况统计 5 古建筑火灾原因统计 6 3.1.3古建筑火灾随时间变化规律 9 3.1.4


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