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国产高压变频器在除尘风机上的应用 梁丽萍1,童明胜2 (1济南钢铁集团总公司,山东济南250101; 2山东省冶金科学研究院,山东济南250014) 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark0 \o Current Document 0摘要 1 1前言 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document 2除尘风机工艺要求 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document 2.1电机和风机参数 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document 2.2调速要求 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document 3高压变频器调速系统 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document 3」变频器技术参数 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document 3.2高压变频器调速原理 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark14 \o Current Document 3.3高压变频器技术特点 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark16 \o Current Document 4运行效果 6 0摘要 为了进一步节能降耗、降低生产成本,济钢第三炼钢厂LF精炼炉除尘风机 采用了国产高压大功率变频调速技术。变频系统采用多个功率单元串联的形式, 通过“功率裂变”与高压“再生”技术,直接带动高压电机,输出谐波小;釆用 “STT”技术,旋转负载可直接启动;采用高压输出突发短路“SCP”防护技术, 可有效保护电机和变频系统的安全。改造后运行情况表明,平均节能率达55%, 年节约电费208万元。 关键词:高压变频器;除尘风机;节能 屮图分类号:TF341.9; TM921.51文献标识码:B文章编号: 1004-4620 (2007) 06-0012-03 Application of Domestic High Voltage Frequency Transformer in Dusting Fan LIANG Li-ping 1,TONG Ming-sheng2 (1 Jinan Iron and Steel Group Corporation Jinan 250101,China;2 Shandong Metallurgical Research Institutejinan 250014,China) Abstract: In order to further save energy,reduce consumption and decrease production cost,No.3 Steelmaking plant of Jinan steel used domestic technology of high voltage and large power frequency transformer to adj ust speed in dusting fan serving for LF refining furnace.The transducer adapted the pattern of multi-power units in series and directly drives the electromotor by using the technology of u Power Fission v and High-pressure Regeneration v ,so the fewer harmonious waves are exported.The transducer adaptd the technology of “STT” ,by which the transducer can be started directly when the electromotor revolves with load.The “SCP protection technology was applied in case of sudden short circuit during the procedure of high-pressure output to protect the security of electromotor and that of transducer effectively.The operation results after the transformation indicate


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