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微流體晶片之注射系統的應用與分析 Analysis and Application of Injection System in Microfluidic Chip 研究生:吳賦斌 Wu, Fu-Bin 指導教授:蔡建雄 Tsai, Chien-Hsiung 傅龍明 Fu, Lung-Ming 【摘要】 本文是利用數值模擬的方法,探討微流體晶片內之微管道的幾何形狀對檢測液洩漏與樣品寬帶歪斜的影響。研究中利用改變注射與分離管道之間的夾角來改善檢測液洩漏的情形,計算結果顯示:當改變時,在管道交會處的電位勢分佈情形也會跟著改變,進而影響此處的流場分布,所以檢測液洩漏情形也會跟著改變。其中以=90°左右時的洩漏情形最為嚴重。 另外,研究中則利用分離管道兩端的管徑比例不同來改善對檢測帶寬歪斜的情形。結果顯示:當分離管道兩端的管徑比變大時,檢測帶寬在管徑方向被平均分配,而使得歪斜程度變小。在擴張段角度變化的研究中,可以發現擴張段夾角較大時,在擴張段出口的截面速度分布呈現拋物線的形狀分布,所以檢測帶寬形狀較為彎曲。之後隨著擴張段角度的增加,在擴張段出口的速度變化較小,所以檢測帶寬彎曲也獲得了改善。 關鍵字:微管道、數值模擬、洩漏 【Abstract】 The effect of micro-channel configuration on the leakage and plug skewness is numerically investigated in this study. Three kinds of new injection systems on microfluidic chips are developed, i.e. a cross-shaped injection system with included angle of the intersection, the cross-shaped injection system combined a diffuser configuration design, and integrated a U-shaped injection system with a diffuser. The numerical results show that the amount of sample leakage is largest when the included angle=90°. The distribution of applied voltage in the intersection, which is changed due to the different angle, is the main cause. The results also show that the cross-shaped injection system with a diffuser is effective in minimizing the sample plug bias. The performance of this micro-chip is strongly dependent on the expansion ratio (defined as the diameter ratio of the diffuser) and the diffuser angle. For moderated and large expansion ratio, the sample plug is reformed and uniformly distributed cross the channel width. The diffuser angle, play an important role in the shape of the sample. For example, for large diffuser angle, the shape of the sample plug is like a bow, but for small diffuse angle, the square-shaped sample plug can be formed. In fact, the distribution of velocity profile in the diffuser controls the shape formation. These novel injection techniques developed in this study has an exciting potential for use in high-qu


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