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Summary To know what type of a tumor is likely to be encountered of the cauda equina area imaging characteristics incidence of the various histological types Despite the low incidence of the teratoma, lipoma, epidermoid cyst and dermoid cyst, we should keep in mind of them 单胚叶瘤;双胚层瘤;三胚层瘤 Monodermomas include epithermoid cyst, enterogenous cyst, colloid cyst of the third ventricle, Lipoma, craniopharyngioma.Germinal原始的;epithermoid cyst表皮样囊肿;enterogenous cyst肠源性囊肿;colloid cyst胶样囊肿; Didermomas include dermoid cyst. Tridermomas include mature and immature teratoma and teratoma with malignant transformation. Most authors now refer to any tumor showing an origin from all three embryonic layers as a ‘teratoma.’ * An extradural tumor location is rarer in children than in the adult population in terms of their proportion of all intraspinal tumors. An intramedullary tumor location is most common in the intraspinal tumors of children. About 25–35% of intraspinal tumors are extradural in location, and most are extensions of malignant paraspinous neoplasms infiltrating the spinal canal through the neural foramina. A teratoma arising in the spinal canal is rare, and an intradural extramedullary location is known to be the most common. * 1、脊柱侧弯、后凸畸形、椎管扩大;2、T10,椎管扩大或闭合不全,瘤内可见脂肪组织和钙化影,3、L4,合并二分脊髓,椎管内可见骨性分隔和脂肪;4、T1WI,增强MRI,瘤体和包膜轻度强化 * 1、2,髓内肿瘤,脊髓受压水肿,瘤体上方出现杯口征;3、4,腰骶部畸胎瘤与终丝相连,可见脊髓低位、栓系 * This 31-year-old woman had a large (9–10 cm) lumbar myelomeningocele at birth T1. Left: Sagittal image in which a large heterogeneous intraspinal mass extending from the L3–4 disc space to the sacrum can be identified, demonstrating signal characteristics compatible with both solid and cystic components. Right: Axial image revealing the mass filling the lower spinal canal and a cleft in the vertebral body. * Plain x-ray (AP view) of the cervico-dorsal spine showing a kyphoscoliotic脊柱后侧凸deformity and a defect in the T4 vertebral body. MRI: saggital T1 (a), saggital gadolinum DTPA (b), axial T1 (c)


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