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华中科技大学硕士学位论文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II II Abstract With the rapid development of optoelectronics, miniaturization and integration have become the development trend of optoelectronic devices. Surface plasmon optical waveguides have received much attention in recent years for having the ability to highly confine energy. The successful drawing of the first Photonic Crystal Fiber helped to bring about the appearance of the Metallic Core Microstructured Optical Fiber (MC-MOF), which is a new kind of surface p lasmon optical waveguide. Being able to propagate surface plasmon gives MC-MOF many new optical characters which are different from the fibers before and has made MC-MOF become the research object of more and more scientific research institution. In this article, we begin to introduce the conceptions of surface plasma from the basic electromagnetic theory. Then we analyze the dispersion characteristics of metallic core cylindrical waveguide before the method to solve the excitation wavelength of the surface plasmon polaritons is given. After discussing the influences of different structure parameters on the polarization characteristics of MC-MOF, we get the conclusion that the existence of the adjacent metal cores is the essential condition of generating big polarization extinction ratio and the maximum point position of polarization extinction ratio is changing along the diameters of metal core. The simulation results show that optical fiber polarizer at communication wavelength can be manufactured from special structured MC-MOF. After that, a plasmonic waveguide is proposed and discussed. According to simulations of surface plasmon polariton eigenmodes at varying geometrical transverse parameters, we obtain comprehensive mode characteristics, includ- ing field mode distribution, effective refractive index, propagation length, and lateral mode radius, thus allowing us to investigate the precise trade-off between propagation length and confinement, which is very im


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