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一般现在时 I usually have lunch at home. 一般将来时 I am going to have lunch at the restaurant today. * 一般过去时 I had lunch at home yesterday. 现在进行时 I am having lunch now. * * We usually have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. 我们一般早上6点半吃早饭。 * We had lunch at the restaurant today. * 我们今天是在饭店吃的午饭。 * We are going to have roast steak this evening. * 我们晚上打算吃烤牛排。 * We are having tea in the living room. * 我们正在客厅喝茶。 * I had a haircut yesterday afternoon. * 我昨天下午理的发。 * He is going to have a swim in the river tomorrow. * 他计划明天去小河里游泳。 * He had a bath this afternoon. * 他 今天下午洗的澡。 * We usually have an appointment on Monday. * 我们一般周日有约会。 * We are going to have a holiday in July. * 我们打算7月份去渡假。 * They are having a good time. They are enjoying themselves. * 他们正玩得开心。 * They had a party last week. * 他们上周参加了一个派对。 * We have apples every day. * 我们每天都吃苹果。 * daily expression there be they are… Have 的用法小结 回顾四种时态 Thank you! * LOGO * * Have 用法小结 一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时回顾 contents * 复习 课文讲解 课堂练习 步骤 我们这周需要许多东西. We need a lot of things this week. 我们有许多茶叶. We’ve got much tea. 我们一点肉都没有了. We haven’t got any meat at all. * 我们还有面包吗? Have we got any bread? 你们还有啤酒吗? Have you got any beer? 我希望你还有钱. I hope that you’ve got some money. * Listen to the tape and answer the question: why is Carol disappointed? 081082-Roast Beef and Potatoes.mp3 * Bath Shower Nearly Ready Dinner Restaurant * Roast Barbecue Breakfast Haircut Party holiday * * 1. Upstairs adj. adv. 楼上 Downstairs Come upstairs 上楼 Go downstairs 下楼 He is upstairs. He is downstairs. 2. ★ have * have a bath 洗澡 have a hot bath take a cold bath 2. ★ have * Take a shower 洗澡 2. ★ have * breakfast lunch dinner have a meal (吃,喝) a cake a cup of coffee tea a cigarette * a bath a swim a haircut have a lesson (从事) a party a holiday a good time an appointment * some money some lamb have some beef (拥有) envelopes a lot of


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