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Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone John Filson 1 Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone Curiosity is natural to the soul of man, and interesting objects have a powerful influence on our affeti Let these influencing pors actuate, by the permission or dipoal of Providece, from selfish or sal views, yet i tim the mysterious will of Heaven is unfolded, and we behold our conduct, from whatsover motives excted, operating to answer the portant deigns of haven. Thus we beld Kentucke, latey an howling wilderness, the habitation of savage and wild beasts, be a fruitful field; this region, so favourably ditinguished by nature, now becom th habitation of civilizatio, at a period unparald in hitory, in the midst of a raging war, and under all the disadvantages of emigratio to a country so remote from the inhabited parts of the ctit. Here, were the hand of violce shed the blood of the innocent; were the horrid ye of savages, and the groans of the distressd, sounded in our ears, we now hear the praises and adoration of our Creator; where wretcd wigwams tood, the mirable abodes of savage, we behold the foundations of citi laid, that, in all probability, will rival the glory of the greatest upo earth. And we view Kentucke situated on the fertile banks of the great Oh, rising from obscurity to shie with splendor, equal to any other of the stars of the American hemisphere The sttling of this region well derve a place i history. Most of th rable evets I have myself been exercised in; and, for the satisfaction of the public, will briefly relate the circumtances of my adventures, and scenes o


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