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停车拥堵下的公共交通补贴效应研究 1 田钰,肖玲玲 (北京交通大学经济管理学院,北京 100044) 摘 要: 本文在具有两种交通方式的线性单中心城市中,引入私家车的停车拥堵问 题,探究公共交通补贴对居民福利的影响。文章假设公共交通补贴由私家车的停车 费用支付。在第一种城市均衡模式中,所有的低收入群体都使用公交车,所有的高 收入群体都使用私家车。由此扩展得到第二种城市均衡,高收入群体有一部分使用 公交车,一部分驾驶私家车。然后,假设政府通过增加停车位来管理停车拥堵问题。 停车位的增加会降低停车拥堵成本,但同时提高了单位停车费用。比较两者的净影 响,可以判断停车拥堵变化后的补贴效应。综合得到结论:补贴使公交车用户的福 利提高,而私家车用户会受损。 关键词: 单中心城市;公交补贴;停车拥堵;停车容量 The Effects of Public Transit Subsidy with Parking Congestion 1 Yu Tian , Ling-Ling Xiao (School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University. Beijing, 100044) Abstract: This paper studies the effects of public transit subsidy on residential benefits in a monocentric city with two transport modes and parking congestion. The users of bus gain subsidy at the expense of the parking fee from the users of car. Consider two forms of equilibrium: In one case, the poor commute by bus, while the rich commute by car. In another case, the poor commute by bus, some rich individuals commute by car and some commute by bus. Suppose the government manages the parking congestion problems through increasing parking supply, the increased parking capacity has two converse results. On the one hand, it increases the budget-balancing parking fee. On the other hand, it relieves the parking congestion, decreasing the cost of commuting by car. Compare the two aspects, we can get the net result and the effects of subsidy after the change in parking supply. Then we can conclude that the bus users will gain from subsidies, whilst the car users will lose. key words: moncentric city; transit subsidy; parking con


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