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Study on Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Lang Tuteng from the Perspective of Translators’ Rewriting Behavior By Wang Limei A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND THE SCHOOL OF ENGLISH STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Under the Supervision of Professor  Li Xin Tianjin Foreign Studies University January 2012 致谢 在天津外国语大学两年半的研究生学习生活即将结束之际,我在此提交本人 的学术论文。我要特别感谢我的老师、家人及同学,是他们的慷慨帮助和大力支 持,我才能够顺利完成该论文。 首先我要感谢我的导师,李欣教授,在我撰写论文过程中,李老师不吝赐教, 给我提出很多富有启发性的观点和建议。没有李老师的细心修改,我不可能完成 该论文。 在此,我也要真诚地感谢在研究生学习阶段教过我的老师。是他们的讲座和 指导,使我顺利完成论文,结束我的研究生生涯。 我还要感谢我的同学们,他们的帮助与鼓励让我顺利完成我的研究和学习。 我要感谢室友伍艳霞、张百慧和唐静,以及同学段友娟,是他们帮助我查找相关 的书籍和资料,并给我的论文献计献策。几年来,他们的鼓励和友谊始终陪伴我 左右。 最后我还要感谢我的家人,感谢父母在经济上支持我完成学业。正是你们的 无私与爱抚,让我顺利完成该论文。 I Acknowledgements The thesis concludes my two and a half years’ postgraduate study in Tianjin Foreign Studies University. I am deeply indebted to my teachers, parents and friends for their generous help and great support, without which I would not have been able to complete the thesis. First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to my supervisor, Professor Li Xin, who has not only given me the most valuable advice but also contributed thoughtful insights during my postgraduate studies. Thanks to her meticulous proofreading and revision, my thesis can be finished. My sincere gratitude also goes to all professors who have taught me during my postgraduate study. Without their lectures and instructions, I would not be able to complete my postgraduate study or finish the thesis. My thanks go to all my classmates whose help and encouragement enabled me to conduct the study successfully. I would like to thank my roommates Wu Yanxia, Zhang Baihui and Tang Jing and my classmate Duan Youjuan, who helped me to collect valuable books and journals that I need and give me much advice on writing the thesis. Their firmest encouragement and sincere friendship have always been with me in these years. Finally, I am


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