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Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) /10.1007/s11845-019-01987-9 BRIEF REPORT Intensive Care Society of Ireland — Guidelines for management of the potential organ donor (2018—2nd edition) Ian Conrick-Martin 1 Alan Gaffney 2 Rory Dwyer2 Colman O’Loughlin1 Frances Colreavy1 on behalf of the Intensive Care Society of Ireland Received: 5 February 2019 /Accepted: 7 February 2019 # Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2019 Introduction Appropropriate adjustments must be made for paediatric organ donors; these guidelines are written solely for adults. Advances in transplant surgical techniques and immunosup- The guidelines are informed by critical appraisal of the rele- pressive therapies have led to increasing numbers of patients vant literature, recommendations/guidelines from jurisdic- with end-stage organ failure being treated with an organ trans- tions such as Canada [2], USA [3], UK [4] and Australian plant. There is increasing evidence that success rates of trans- New Zealand [5], and our own experience of clinical practice plantation can be improved with optimal management of the in Ireland. potential organ donor [ 1]. Thus it is important, after diagnosis These guidelines are primarily aimed at supporting those of brain death, that optimal physiological support is main- Intensive Care Units (ICUs) where potential organ donors are tained to allow the option of organ donation if this was the managed infrequently. Where more advanced or specialist ad- patient’s known wish. vice is needed, we suggest early involvement of an Organ The guidelines as outlined should be implemented only Donor Nurse


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