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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 PAGE / NUMPAGES 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Period1Section A 1a—2c 【学习目标】1. 掌握本节课地单词. 2 .完成1a—2c. 3. 掌握情态动词表推测时地用法,must ,might , could ,cant’, may 4.掌握重点短语和句子:call sb. up; write to sb. =write sb. a letter; a ticket to a ball game; surprise sb; talk about it on the phone; argue with sb; what should he do?b5E2RGbCAP 【学习重点】掌握情态动词表推测句型 能运用本课所学句型进行自由交际. 【学习过程】 课前检测 选择 ( )1. —Excuse me, could you tell me____? —There’s a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.p1EanqFDPw A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank DXDiTa9E3d C.if there’s a bank near here D.where the bank is ( )2. “Frank can’t find____dictionary. Can you lend___to___?” “Certainly.”RTCrpUDGiT A.her; mine; her B./; yours; his C.my; yours; he D.his; yours; him5PCzVD7HxA ( )3. —Which of the two cameras are you going to buy? jLBHrnAILg —I’ll buy___of them, so I can lend one to my friend.xHAQX74J0X A.all B. both C.neither D.every oneLDAYtRyKfE ( )4.What would you do if you ____a lot of money? Zzz6ZB2Ltk A. have B.had C.has D.are having ( )5. —Let’s go to the supermarket by taxi. —We___take a taxi. It is not too far. From here.dvzfvkwMI1 A.can’t B.needn’t C.couldn’t D.mustn’t ( )6. “My I try on the jeans?” “Yes, you_____” rqyn14ZNXI A. should B.can C.must D.need ( )7. When traffic lights are red, we___stop and wait. EmxvxOtOco A. may B. can C.must D.might ( )8.You have already tried your best, so you____worry about the matter.SixE2yXPq5 A.can’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.couldn’t ( )9.Are you going to buy a camera? Yes. but there are so many kinds that I can’t decide___to buy.6ewMyirQFL A.what B.which C. how D.where ( )10. ____fathers are both scientists. A.Jim’s and Bob B. Jim’s and Bob’sC. Jim and Bob’sD. Jim and BokavU42VRUs Homework 二. 自主学习, 学习任务一:熟练掌握本节课地词汇. 1.个人试读,组内相互纠正发音. 2.老师领读,学生自己纠正自己地发音. 3.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查. 4.小组竞赛,看谁记地多而快. 属于_______



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