七年级下册知识点总结Unit Dream homes.docVIP

七年级下册知识点总结Unit Dream homes.doc

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七年级下册知识点总结Unit 1 Dream homes 一、重点词组、句型 1、Would you like to live in the palace, Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宫殿里吗? ①Would you like sth? 肯定回答: Yes, please. 否定回答: No, thanks. ②Would you like to do sth? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答:I’d like/love to, but… 2、There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。 There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。 ①表示某地有……,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则。 There __________(be) an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school. ②表示有事情要做,用there be sth to do。 There are lots of things ___________(see) in Beijing.. ③表示有某人正在做某事,用there be sb doing sth.。 On game shows, there are always famous people___________(talk) about their lives. 3、I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在离伦敦15英里的一个镇上。 be far (away) from 离……远,但出现具体距离时,不用far My home is __________________from the school. My home is 5 kilometres ___________from the school. A. away B. far C. close D. next to 4. have fun with sb./sth. 和某人/某物玩得开心 have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心 have(has/had) fun= have(has/had) a good time= enjoy(enjoyed) onself(myself/yourself/youselves……) 5、I also have a bedroom of my own. =I also have my own bedroom. 我也有自己的房间。 own ①(adj.) 自己的 用于形容词性物主代词或名词所有格后,加强语气 ②(vt.) 拥有 owner (n.) 物主,所有人 He______________(own) a big company in New York He is the______________(own) of a big company in New 6、I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和妹妹共享一间卧室。 share sth. with sb. 和某人共享…… 7、We often listen to music in bed. 我们经常躺在床上听音乐。 ①in bed 意为 (躺)在床上,bed 前无冠词修饰。 Dont read ________________. 不要躺在床上看书。 ②on the bed 表示某样东西在床上。 There is a book ____________. 床上有本书。 8、I Love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我喜欢坐在那里向外看海滩和海。 look out at sth 向外看…… look out of… 看……的外面 look out 向外看,小心 It’s good for your eyes to ______________ the green trees for a minute or two. A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at look like 看起来像 look up 查阅(字典/资料),向上看 look after 照顾 look for 寻找(强调动作) in the sea 在海里 by


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