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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT5 华南师范大学人才招聘启事 工业和信息化部人才交流中心承办 场次一: 宣讲时间:2019年3月25日(周一)上午9:00-12:00 宣讲地点:中国人民大学 (北京市海淀区中关村大街59号中国人民大学就业中心417报告厅) 场次二: 宣讲时间:2019年3月26日(周二)上午9:00-12:00 宣讲地点:北京大学 (北京市海淀区颐和园路5号北京大学新太阳学生中心212室) 1.学校简介 Brief Introduction of SCNU 华南师范大学始建于1933年,是一所办学历史悠久、学科门类齐全、发展势头迅猛的国家“211工程”重点建设大学、广东省人民政府和教育部重点共建大学、广东省高水平重点建设大学、国家建设世界一流学科大学。学校物理学指定列入国家建设世界一流学科行列,心理学位居全国高校前三名;在教育部第四轮学科评估中,心理学、教育学、体育学和马克思主义理论4个学科位居A类学科,A+学科数并列广东高校第二名、全国师范大学第三名;化学、植物与动物学、工程学、数学和材料科学5个学科进入ESI全球前 1%,入选学科数并列全国师范大学第三名;有教育技术学、发展与教育心理学、光学、体育人文社会学(重点培育)4个国家重点学科、9个国家“211工程”重点建设学科、23个广东省重点学科。 学校现有广州石牌、广州大学城和佛山南海3个校区,占地面积 3025亩,校舍面积155万平方米,图书374万册。校园景色怡人,人文景观遍布,文化气息浓厚。 学校现面向海内外选聘高青人才,竭诚欢迎优秀人才加盟。 Founded in 1933, South China Normal University (SCNU) is a key university with a long history of cultivating talents, a comprehensive range of disciplines and rapid development momentum. Recent years have witnessed its becoming a member of “Project 211”, the co-construction of SCNU by Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education, its entry into Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project and its entering the national project of “World-class Disciplines Construction”. The discipline of Physics of SCNU has entered the national project of “World-class Disciplines Construction”. Its discipline of Psychology ranks among the top three in the national universities. In the fourth round of discipline evaluation organized by the Ministry of Education of China, four disciplines of SCNU, Psychology, Education, Physical Education and Marxist Theory, have been ranked as A-level disciplines. The number of its disciplines rated as A+-level ranks second in Guangdong universities and third among Chinas normal universities. Five disciplines, Chemistry, Plant Animal Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Materials Science have entered top 1% of World ESI, ranking third in the number of so-honored disciplines among national normal universities. SCNU also boasts four state-level key disciplines (


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