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PAGE PAGE 2 9A Unit2 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit学案 【学习目标】 语言知识: 1. 学会使用新句型would rather...than...和prefer...to...,表达偏好。 2. 学会使用不定代词谈论人或事。 3. 学习各种不同颜色的名称。 语言技能: 能掌握不同颜色的名称。 情感态度: 了解有关颜色的东西方文化,知道颜色能改变人们的心情,颜色与我们的生活息息相关。 【学习重难点】 1. To learn the names of different colours 2. To learn how to use the phrase “would rather...than...” 课前延伸 1. 听磁带,预习Comic Welcome部分的生词。 (会拼写、知词义) 2. 解决疑难问题。 (个人思考,小组讨论,待课上求助) 3. 查阅一些与颜色相关的资料,以备课上合作交流。 自主学习记录卡 1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处? 2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论? 课内探究 一、把下列词语译成英语或汉语。 1.看上去很好 2. live in a world full of colours 3.没什么要紧的 4.I would rather blue than pink. 5.宁愿 6. tell sb about sth 7.朝窗外看 8.Which one do you like? Keys: 1.look good 2.生活在一个充满色彩的世界里 3.nothing important 4.比起粉色,我更喜欢蓝色。5.would rather 6.告诉某人关于某事 7.look out of the window 8.你喜欢哪一个? 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. I buy the cheaper bike. A. want B. think to C. would like D. would rather ( ) 2. Millie would rather TV at home than to the park. A. watch; go B. watching; going C. watch; to go D. to watch; go ( ) 3. I think this shirt looks nice you. A. at B. for C. on D. over ( ) 4. There is wrong with the machine. It works . A. something; well B. nothing; well C. something; good D. nothing; good ( ) 5. —Which isn’t the colour of the rainbow? — . A. Indigo B. Violet C. White D. Red Keys: D A C B C 课后提升 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. I buy the cheaper one.. A. want B. would like C. am look for D. would rather ( ) 2. The yellow skirt looks good you. A. on B. in C. for D. to ( ) 3. I would rather the small one the big one. A. have; than B. to have; than C. have; and D. to have; and ( ) 4. Your s


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