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喹诺酮类 目标性治疗 利福平 氨基糖甙类 Text 复方新诺明 万古霉素、替考拉宁 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 + 目标性治疗 耐青霉素 的链球菌 头孢噻肟 氟喹诺酮类 氨苄青霉素 大剂量青霉素 亚胺培南 万古霉素 头孢曲松 目标性治疗 亚胺培南 含酶抑制剂的复合制剂 氨基糖甙类 喹诺酮 产超广谱β-内酰胺酶的大肠埃希菌 目标性治疗 多西环素 大环内酯类 氟喹诺酮 衣原体 支原体 目标性治疗 头孢曲松 大观霉素 多西环素 氟喹诺酮 淋病奈瑟菌 治 疗 药物治疗无效或疗效欠佳行全面妇科检查和基础疾病评价 脓肿 基础疾病 综合性治疗措施 纠正电解质紊乱 纠正贫血 纠正低蛋白血症 治疗中 问题 后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析 * 女性内生殖器及其周围的结缔组织、盆腔腹膜发生炎症时,称为盆腔炎。PID is an extremely common condition among women of reproductive age. * During an acute episode of PID, The fallopian tubes become obstructed or closed at the end; cilia may lose their ability to promote ovum transport; And adhesions form between pelvic organs. Second-look laparoscopic studies suggest that tubal occlusions and adnexal adhesions may occur in 50% of women with PID. These insults to the reproductive organs may result in morbidity, including infertility, chronic pelvic pain, recurrent PID, and ectopic pregnancy. * PID is an extremely common condition among women of reproductive age. Surveillance data are sparse, but suggest that approximately 8% of U.S. women and 15% of Swedish women are diagnosed with PID in their lifetime, with over one million women treated annually in the U.S. Rates of PID are much higher in developing countries and have been reported to be as high as 32% among Indigenous women in a remote community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Acute PID may lead to major reproductive and gynecologic morbidity including infertility, CPP, recurrent PID, and ectopic pregnancy. * As I mentioned previously, up to 70% of PID cases are nongonococcal and nonchlamydial. Novel bacterial pathogens have recently been studied among women with PID. In particular, Mycoplasma genitalium has recently been implicated in PID. M. genitalium is extremely difficult to culture, but the progress of PCR-based assays for M. genitalium has generated more research into the role of Mg in both male and female genital disease.