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- PAGE I - (20 届) 本科毕业设计 PIMNT单晶生长用多晶料的固相合成 Solid-state synthesis of PIMNT polycrystalline material for single crystal growth 所在学院 专业班级 应用化学 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 PIMNT单晶生长用多晶料的固相合成 PAGE 4 PIMNT单晶生长用多晶料的固相合成 摘 要 PIMNT单晶是近年来发现的新型弛豫铁电材料,该单晶具有优良的压电、铁电和介电性能,本论文报道了PIMNT多晶料的高温固相合成的研究。以In2O3、Nb2O5、4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O、TiO2、PbO为初始试剂,先固相合成出前体化合物MgNb2O6和InNbO4,再按照0.25 Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3- 0.44 Pb(Mg1/2Nb2/3)O3-0.31 PbTiO3的组分比例,采用高温固相反应合成出PIMNT多晶料;通过X射线粉末衍射、差热/热重分析对PIMNT多晶料进行了测试表征,表明所合成化合物系钙钛矿结构的PIMNT多晶。以所合成PIMNT多晶为原料,采用坩埚下降法成功生长出大尺寸PIMNT单晶,证实了高温固相合成PIMNT多晶料的有效性。 【关键词】PIMNT;弛豫铁电单晶;多晶料;固相合成;单晶生长 Solid-state synthesis of PIMNT polycrystalline material for single crystal growth Abstract PIMNT single crystal is a relaxor-based ferroelectric material discovered in recent years. The single crystal exhibits excellent piezoelectric, ferroelectric and dielectric properties. This thesis presents the high-temperature solid state synthesis of PIMNT polycrystalline material. Using In2O3、Nb2O5、4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O、TiO2 and PbO as starting reagent, the compounds of MgNb2O6 and InNbO4 were synthesized by solid state reaction. According to the molar ratio of 0.25 Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.44 Pb(Mg1/2Nb2/3)O3-0.31 PbTiO3, PIMNT polycrystalline material were prepared by solid state synthesis at elavated temperature. PIMNT polycrystalline material was characterizied by X-ray powder diffraction and differtial thermal analysis. The polycrystalline material was verified to be PIMNT solid-solution compound with perovskite structure. Using the polycrystalline material as the feed material, large-size PIMNT single crystal was grown by vertical Bridgman method. The process reported in this thesis has been comfirmed to be an effective method to prepare PIMNT polycrystalline material for single crystal growth. KEYWORDS:PIMNT; Relaxor-based ferroelectric crystal; Polycrystalline material; Soli


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