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写在卷首: 小秋裤们!世上所有文章写得好的人都有一个共同特点——看书多,且能够背诵 其中的部分或全部经典词、句、篇。天下文章一大抄,顶级“抄手”览天下文, 择其善者而习之;呆禽览一文,择其全文而“袭”之,结果自然不同!范文的背 诵贵在范围广,类型多。最重要的是,一定要十分细致准确地记住每个词、每句 话的搭配和使用语境。要达成如此精细而深刻的记忆,子睿老师以为,非“万遍 朗读”不可达成!英文学习固然不能死记硬背,然书读百遍其义自见,每天朗读, 假以时日,有正常智能之人类皆可百分百习得文章精髓并融会贯通。若如此,则 写作通达可计日而待也!《子睿托福范文精选》由王子睿老师专为托福考生编辑 整理,精选自创及其他作者的优秀文章,此次更新的版本, 版的基 础上进行了修订,并配有子睿老师亲自朗读的音频,以方便同学们学习和记忆。 后续会不断更新,所有更新消息、机经预测及公开课信息,都将在微信公共账号 “王子睿老师”上公布(扫描下方二维码即可关注)。文档的最后是范文精选 集的口碑截图及子睿托福团队的课程质量评价,抱着 critical thinking 寻找 备考资料及托福培训团队的同学可以参考哈^^ 王子睿 2016 年12 月24 日 2 子睿托福范文精选集 版) Real test topic 1:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to make friends with people who can have fun with us than to make friends with people who can help us when we are in need. Friends, in some ways, determine what kind of life we live and thus we choose them carefully. Since friends have different types, people naturally try to distinguish good ones from the bad. Some people claim that it offers more advantages to make friends with people who can have fun with them than with people who can help them when they are in need. However, my attitude is just the opposite of such statement. I believe that no one is more important and valuable than those who can help. Making friends with people who can have fun with us is not always necessary or beneficial. Having fun is indeed an indispensable part of life, yet we do not always need friends to do so. When the timing is right, we can have fun with anyone without making friends with them. It is just like that we dance with strangers on a square when celebrating the national day, or that we have an interesting chat with the driver while taking a tax



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