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Thesis topic
Language is a social phenomenon and plays an important part in social life. Language keeps on interacting with all kinds of social contexts. People’s uses of language differ due to their different class, status, education, occupation, age, gender, ethnicity and so on. All these social factors are related to language variation and language variety. Language variation and language variety are reflected in the differences at different linguistic levels of phonology, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, habit of language use and so on. Gender is one of the most important social factors that do appear to be related directly to language variation and language variety, and the study of language and gender is one of the major topics of sociolinguistics. The first widely influential study of gender differences and sexism in language use was presented by Robin Lakoff, a professor of linguistics at the University of Carlifornia, in the 1970s. In the years that followed the publication of Lakoff’s book Language and Women’s Place in 1975, a considerable amount of research was conducted in connection with Lakoff’s hypotheses. A lot of scholars (Garcia-Zamor, 1973; Bolinger, 1980; Spender, 1980; Fishman, 1990; Schultz, 1990; Leaper, 1991; Sheldon, 1993) began to do investigations on gender differences and sexism in language use. The researches of these scholars prove that gender differences and sexism do exist in language use.
Advertising language has drawn much attention of many researchers (Leech, 1966; Vestergaad Schr?der, 1985; Cook, 2001; Tanaka, 1994; Zhao, 199
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